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The Purpose of This Project

Posted: June 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

The purpose of this project is to start activism campaigns in which we can collaborate with each other to work more effectively. Here is an example of how one campaign might have worked.

Once the AZ immigration debate came up we should have already had some pdf flyers made up showing various facts about how much it costs a year, who changed the immigration laws, population in 2050, etc. The way these issues work is they are on peoples minds for a few weeks and then it is on to the next one. The other side has propaganda tv episodes just waiting to be broadcast when the time is right.

Glossy, professional looking color flyers that look like they are for a new Hollywood movie could be produced for the documentary And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. Min order for these would be about 5k, so this would be done in either areas where there are a enough volunteers to distribute that many, or just hire some laborers.

One person with a DVD duplicator which makes 15 copies at a time

One person focused on letter writing & submitting letters to the editor at newspapers across the country

Have a few graphic design and media people which work on upcoming campaigns

Every month roll out a new campaign or issue which is focused on. You could have people pledge to put out x number of flyers every month, which will be able to be downloaded in pdf form.